We are pleased to bring you the latest addition to the Jimmie Beller Memorial eLibrary:
The Jack Hansen/Bruce Webster Debate:
This written debate, taking place in the mid-1970s, is billed as “A Debate on Eschatology: Does Matthew 24 and 25 Refer Only to the Destruction of Jerusalem?”
The propositions debated are:
1. In Matthew 24, the Lord distinguishes between the destruction of Jerusalem and His second coming. (Webster affirms, Hansen denies)
2. Matthew 24 and 25 speak only of the fall of the Jewish commonwealth in AD 70 (Hansen affirms, Webster denies).
It became quickly evident that Jack Hansen was leaning towards full preterism (the stance that all passages which speak of the end of the world/age are referring to the end of the Jewish world/age).  But by the time the debate had ended, Hansen rejected that position (while still maintaining that there is no division in Matthew 24).
The issues debated in this book are ones which are still present in the Lord’s church today, nearly 40 years later.
This debate, like so many others, had times where it devolved to a “he said, he said” contest, but if you are willing to read past those petty parts, there is some great information on both sides to be gleaned in this book.
I believe that you will find information worth considering in this book, regardless of which position you take in regards to the dividing of Matthew 24 and 25.
As always, this book has been completely reformatted and edited to give you the best possible reading experience.
Click the link below to read or to download this debate
Hansen-Webster Eschatology Debate
-Bradley Cobb