Last week’s Friday Freebie was so well-received that we’ve decided to do it again (and we might even make this a regular feature).
Today’s special freebie is…
The Sabbath or the Lord’s Day, Which?
By D.R. Dungan.
David Roberts Dungan was a preacher/teacher/writer in the late 1800s/early 1900s. His book on Hermeneutics is still the standard on Biblical Interpretation in most preaching schools and Christian colleges. His novel On the Rock was reprinted several times and was that generation’s Muscle and a Shovel.
Today’s free book was written to answer the question about whether the church is commanded to meet on the Sabbath or the first day of the week. Dungan approaches the topic with a level head and an open Bible, and deals with every claim that the Sabbath-keepers produced. When you finish this book, you will have no doubt as to the answer to the question: The Sabbath or the Lord’s Day?
Just like all of our other books, this one has undergone updating in spelling, correction of typos, and a complete reformatting to make it much easier on the eyes. We hope you will find it useful.
- The Statement of the Question.
- Reasons for Keeping the Sabbath Examined Upon the Hypothesis of a Pre-Mosaic Requirement
- To Whom was the Law of the Sabbath Given?
- Was the Law of the Sabbath Perpetuated in Christ?
- Is the Decalogue Yet Binding?
- The Law, of Which the Sabbath was a Part, was Done Away in Christ.
- The Conclusion of Part First: The Law Containing the Sabbath Having Passed Away, The Sabbath Itself has no More Claim upon Christians than any other Feature of the Law Given to Israel at Mt. Sinai.
- The Source of Knowledge.
- The View Entertained by Christians in General.
- Unfair Methods of Advancing the Cause of the Sabbath, and of Opposing the Lord’s Day.
- History Shows that the Lord’s Day, or First Day of the Week, has been Regarded as a Sacred Day in All Ages of the Church.
- The Teaching of the Scriptures Respecting the Day on Which Christians Should Meet for Worship.
- How the Apostles Understood the Subject of the Lord’s Day.
Download it by clicking here (or right-clicking here and choosing “save link as”): Dungan – Sabbath or Lords Day