Tag Archives: liberalism

Call Him a Pharisee

Earlier this month, we told you about a bunch of unpublished manuscripts by James D. Bales which we are working to make available to the masses.

Today, we present to you the first one… and it’s FREE.


Call Him a Pharisee was written in response to James Woodruff, whose book, The Church in Transition, accused the church of only preaching half a gospel, of being “astray,” and of being Pharisees.  In this short book, Bales shows what a Pharisee is, and debunks Woodruff’s theories  accusations against the Lord’s church.

This book is copyright, 2017, Mark McWhorter, and is being made available as a free digital download, exclusively from your friends at TheCobbSix.com

Just click the link below to download or read online:

Bales – Call Him a Pharisee

-Bradley S. Cobb

The Emergence of the “Church of Christ” Denomination

Those of us who are conservative in doctrine insist that the church of Christ is not a denomination, and never will be.  However, there are those within the church who seemed determined to change that.

Today’s addition to the Jimmie Beller Memorial eLibrary is an interesting and worthwhile contribution to this discussion.

David Edwin Harrell, Ph.D., is a recognized scholar, whose writings have been reviewed (usually positively) by major scholarly journals in the field of history and religion.  He’s also a Christian.

In this short book, Harrell traces the rise of the Restoration Movement from what historians and sociologists call a “sect” (a devout conservative group) to a “denomination” (a liberal, complacent group).  He shows how a portion of the church fought against being denominationalized, but that the same movement is being made once again within the church.

It shows very clearly, from an objective historian’s perspective, that it is the liberals among us that are trying to turn the Lord’s church into something different–and that they are either “ignorant or dishonest” to claim otherwise.

We are happy to present to you this book.  Like always, we have proofread it, reformatted it, and made it just right for reading on your computer, phone, tablet, or other such device!  Just click the link below!


Emergence of the Church of Christ Denomination