Cobb Commentaries

Wouldn’t it be nice to find some commentaries on the Bible that were informative and extensive, but really easy to read and easy to understand?  Well look no further, because here they are!


These Bible commentaries are the result of many hours of prayer, study, and labor.  Each one of them is in-depth, but extremely easy to read and understand.  They seek to explain the text, but also to help make practical application to modern Christians.  They have been highly praised by preachers, Bible class teachers, and Bible students all over North America.

The response to the available volumes so far has been overwhelmingly positive.  We are convinced that you will appreciate and benefit from them too.

Click on the links below for more details on each book.

Commentaries (So Far):

The Prodigal Slave: A Study of the Letter to Philemon

Fight for the Faith: A Study of the Letter from Jude

Justified by Works: A Study of the Letter from James

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