Two men, once prominent in the Lord’s church, announced that they were leaving and joining a denomination. On their way out, they tried to verbally attack the bride of Christ, throwing many accusations (with no evidence), and in effect condemning (and denying the intelligence and honesty of) the very people with whom they had labored for a quart of a century!
Not only did they say these things, they also put it in print for people all over the country to read. This was in 1946.
Today’s addition to the Jimmie Beller Memorial eLibrary is a book that was written in answer to their accusations, insinuations, and outright misrepresentations.
The full title of this work is:
As Touching Those Who Were Once Enlightened
Being a Review of the Reasons Given by Two Former Friends and Co-Laborers When they “Went Back and Walked No More With Him.”
A brief history is given, including the full text of the letters written by the two men in question (brothers Reedy and Etter), and then Brewer answers their charges, and shows the flaws in their excuses so that other Christians wouldn’t be led astray by them.
This might not be every person’s cup of tea, but the book is still very relevant, for there are preachers in the Lord’s church who are making the same statements as Reedy and Etter made 70 years ago.
As usual, this book has been completely reformatted, corrected, and made pretty to give you a more pleasant reading experience.
Click the link below to download!