See part 1 here
Victor Cross has left the church. He has no intentions of ever going back. He’s incredibly cynical and jaded because of the way he’d been treated by some preacher. But let’s fast-forward a couple decades.
Victor has been without the grace of God for twenty years, despite his wife’s best efforts to encourage him to come back. One day, as providence would have it, Victor met a couple men. These men were kind, sincere, and godly. They also happened to be elders in the church. After learning Victor’s story, they said they understood why he would make that decision, from a human standpoint. But they also encouraged Victor, and told him, “Don’t give up on Jesus just because someone else treated you that way. Jesus didn’t do that to you.”
And Victor came back to the Lord.
His desire to work for Jesus came back fiercer than ever before. And in his very first prayer after coming back to Christ, Victor uttered these words: “Lord, make me a fisher of men.”
Because Victor knew that he had to help be the answer to his own prayer, he began to study the Bible, and collected a modest library. He wanted to preach, but knew that he would also need to work a “regular” job to pay the bills. He bought a film projector and a set of filmstrips, and showed them to anyone who would watch.
But again discouragement struck.  He tried many times to get people to take a Bible correspondence course, but every time he did, the same question was asked, “what denomination?” He learned quickly that regardless of how he said it, as soon as the words “church of Christ” left his lips, the door was shut, and people’s minds became closed.
To be continued tomorrow…