Tag Archives: James Bales

Call Him a Pharisee

Earlier this month, we told you about a bunch of unpublished manuscripts by James D. Bales which we are working to make available to the masses.

Today, we present to you the first one… and it’s FREE.


Call Him a Pharisee was written in response to James Woodruff, whose book, The Church in Transition, accused the church of only preaching half a gospel, of being “astray,” and of being Pharisees.  In this short book, Bales shows what a Pharisee is, and debunks Woodruff’s theories  accusations against the Lord’s church.

This book is copyright, 2017, Mark McWhorter, and is being made available as a free digital download, exclusively from your friends at TheCobbSix.com

Just click the link below to download or read online:

Bales – Call Him a Pharisee

-Bradley S. Cobb

That Big Announcement you were waiting on

Our friend and brother, Mark McWhorter, is a really interesting guy.  Not only did he grow up in Marion, IL (as did I), and was baptized there (as was I), and left there (as did I), he also has a great sense of humor (as do I), and spent three decades as the assistant to the premiere heart surgeon in the world (as did… wait, no, nevermind).

One of the things that Mark does is buy books.  And I don’t just mean a book here and there, I mean he buys entire libraries from Christians when they are trying to downsize, or after a preacher has passed away.  So he has come across some really interesting volumes.

Several years ago, after the death of James D. Bales (you saw the freebie by him yesterday, right?), Mark was able to procure several boxes of books and personal effects from Bales’ library and office.  And that’s where our big announcement begins…

Bales was an avid researcher.  His writings were filled with evidence to prove his points, whether he was talking about Jesus Christ, Communism, Martin Luther King Jr. (yes, he wrote a book about him), or a plethora of other topics.

Among the things Mark acquired were some typewritten pages.  Several typewritten pages.  Hundreds of typewritten pages.  And many of them were books–books which have never seen the light of day, because James Bales wrote them, but never published them.

Over the next few months, thanks to the generosity of our friend Mark, some of these previously unpublished books (some short, some longer) will be made available.  Some of them will be sold as digital editions (99 cents), some of them will be FREE downloads in the Jimmie Beller Memorial eLibrary, and some of them will be available in print (like one on the Messiah’s Mission, which deals a lot with premillennialism).  We will let you know when those are available as well.

Look for the first new James Bales item next week (and in the meantime, look for some other freebies tomorrow, and Wednesday, and Thursday, and Friday!).

Tell your friends.

-Bradley S. Cobb

So, we’ve missed a month… have a gift on us.

I’m sure you’ve noticed, but we haven’t posted anything new for about a month now.  I could rattle off a lot of different things that have happened which kept me from getting things done here, but the gist of it is that we’ve been swamped with life, work, and death here locally.  And with everything going on, pressing for my time and attention, something had to give for a while, and posting new material here was the victim.

But we’re back!

So, today we’ve got a new freebie for you, and tomorrow we’ve got a GREAT BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!

I’m really trying to hold my tongue (so to speak) on what we’ve got in the works (and it involves some material that has never before been available ANYWHERE–and some of it is going to be free!).  So, please check back in tomorrow for the big announcement!

Today’s freebie is pertinent, considering the political divide in our country.  One one side, you have people calling capitalism and free enterprise “evil,” and on the other side, you have people who point to Socialism as “evil.”

In 1951, Dr. James D. Bales presented a lecture at Harding College, entitled “Christ and the Problem of Private Ownership of Property in the Present-Day World.”  In this lecture, Bales addresses the biblical evidence regarding ownership of property, and shows how it applies to the economic systems of Free Enterprise and Socialism, and shows which system fits with biblical commands.

We have taken the time to proofread and reformat this lecture for you, just like always!  To read online, or to download for later perusal, simply click the link below!

The Right of Private Property (James D. Bales)

-Bradley S. Cobb

James Bales – The Prophet Like Unto Moses

The second book in the Official James D. Bales eBook Collection is now available!

bales prophet like Moses

This book of 117 pages goes into great detail showing that Jesus Christ–and only Jesus Christ–is the fulfillment of the prophecy in Deuteronomy 18:15-19.

If you like types/antitypes, this book is for you, because it shows the many different ways that Moses was a “type” of Christ.

If you like reading about fulfilled prophecy, this book is for you, because it shows the overwhelming evidence that Christ fulfilled this prophecy that God gave through Moses.

A quote about the book:

I was blown away by the content.  I especially thought the proof of Moses’ foretelling of the destruction of Israel connected with Jesus’ foretelling of the same event was well-presented and extremely convincing. –-A preacher from Oklahoma.


  1. The Prophecy and the Claim.
  2. A Prophet Like Moses.
  3. The Two Mediators.
  4. The New Covenant.
  5. Predictions By Moses.
  6. Predictions By Christ
  7. Required of Them.
  8. The Prophet Like Unto Moses.
  9. A Host of Likenesses.
  10. A Line of Prophets?

This eBook is being made available with the permission of the copyright holder for only $5.99.  It is well worth that and more!

James Bales – Romans

We announced last week that we had reached an agreement to make many of the James D. Bales books available in digital format, and now the first one is ready!


Designed to be used when teaching a 13-week class, Romans is informative, instructive, and encouraging.  Within the 108 pages, you will find a great overview of the grand themes of this great epistle!  This is a great way to study through the book of Romans while keeping the whole book in context.

Each chapter contains several questions: some for remembering the text, and others that cause you to give deeper thought to the application of the text.  They are sure to spark some good discussion in the class.

  1. The Gospel in Romans
  2. Why the Gospel is Necessary
  3. The Law of Faith
  4. Peace Through Christ
  5. Why Christians Should Not Continue in Sin
  6. The Wretched Man
  7. The Delivered Man
  8. Not all of Israel is Israel
  9. Paul’s Desire for Israel
  10. Israel and the Gospel
  11. Therefore, Brethren
  12. Love Seeks to Please Its Neighbor
  13. The Gospel for Both Jews and Gentiles

This fantastic book is only $2.99!

James D. Bales – a Digital Annoucement

He was well-known.  Well-loved.  Well-respected.  And he liked to write.  James D. Bales authored over 100 books in his lifetime.

He was also an intense researcher.  It seems that everything he read, he categorized and cataloged so he could easily access it later.  One preacher wrote to him years ago seeking some advice on researching a specific topic.  James Bales mailed him a big box of material (make sure you send it back when you’re done).  He was always willing to help those who wanted to study God’s word.

We are excited to announce that we have reached an agreement to start making many of James D. Bales’ books available in digital format!

This will be a time-consuming process.  We are personally digitizing each book, meticulously checking for any errors, completely reformatting them to give you the best possible reading experience.

The vast majority of Bales’ books are out of print.  But through this agreement with the exclusive rights owners, we will be able to make these available to you.  And the price is right, too! ($1.99-5.99).

We will make official announcements when new books are available (look for the first one next week!).