I’m sure you’ve noticed, but we haven’t posted anything new for about a month now. I could rattle off a lot of different things that have happened which kept me from getting things done here, but the gist of it is that we’ve been swamped with life, work, and death here locally. And with everything going on, pressing for my time and attention, something had to give for a while, and posting new material here was the victim.
But we’re back!
So, today we’ve got a new freebie for you, and tomorrow we’ve got a GREAT BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!
I’m really trying to hold my tongue (so to speak) on what we’ve got in the works (and it involves some material that has never before been available ANYWHERE–and some of it is going to be free!). So, please check back in tomorrow for the big announcement!
Today’s freebie is pertinent, considering the political divide in our country. One one side, you have people calling capitalism and free enterprise “evil,” and on the other side, you have people who point to Socialism as “evil.”
In 1951, Dr. James D. Bales presented a lecture at Harding College, entitled “Christ and the Problem of Private Ownership of Property in the Present-Day World.” In this lecture, Bales addresses the biblical evidence regarding ownership of property, and shows how it applies to the economic systems of Free Enterprise and Socialism, and shows which system fits with biblical commands.
We have taken the time to proofread and reformat this lecture for you, just like always! To read online, or to download for later perusal, simply click the link below!
The Right of Private Property (James D. Bales)
-Bradley S. Cobb