Category Archives: Announcements

We are moving

in 2009, we were asked to come to McLoud, OK to work with the congregation there.  Upon graduating from the Bible Institute of Missouri, we moved there and I officially became the preacher there on June 20th, 2010.

Now, nearly seven years later, we are embarking on a new adventure.  Our time with the McLoud congregation was full of blessings, spending time with some of the greatest people we’ve ever met, growing both as Christians and as workers in the Lord’s kingdom.  We’ve experienced great joy, being able to be a part of bringing people to Christ, making friendships that can never be forgotten, and being loved and supported by so many members of the congregation.  There have been downs as well, but they don’t come close to equaling the highs of our time here.

Unfortunately, as of this week, our time here in McLoud has come to an end.  We are packing up everything in the house (except for what we’re giving away or throwing away) and preparing to move.  We will be making Arkansas our base of operations temporarily while we look into other ministry opportunities.

It is an exciting time for the Cobb family, but we would greatly appreciate your prayers as we move on to this next stage in our lives.   We love you all!

-Bradley S. Cobb and the rest of the Cobb Six.

Call Him a Pharisee

Earlier this month, we told you about a bunch of unpublished manuscripts by James D. Bales which we are working to make available to the masses.

Today, we present to you the first one… and it’s FREE.


Call Him a Pharisee was written in response to James Woodruff, whose book, The Church in Transition, accused the church of only preaching half a gospel, of being “astray,” and of being Pharisees.  In this short book, Bales shows what a Pharisee is, and debunks Woodruff’s theories  accusations against the Lord’s church.

This book is copyright, 2017, Mark McWhorter, and is being made available as a free digital download, exclusively from your friends at

Just click the link below to download or read online:

Bales – Call Him a Pharisee

-Bradley S. Cobb

Free Brotherhood Periodicals

Among the items that Jimmie Beller (for whom the free eLibrary is named) kept and enjoyed, there was a special place for brotherhood periodicals, journals, magazines, or whatever you would like to call them.  He had a good-sized collection of them when he passed away.

Today, we are presenting a couple of them for your perusal.

The Expositor

Edited by Winfred Clark, the one copy of this periodical that we have contains two full-length sermon outlines.  One on 2 Peter 3, and the other on the Ruth, chapter one.

The Expositor (May 1982)

The Bible Way

This short-lived periodical (lasting 3 years) was a 4-page endeavor, edited by Ken Butterworth and John Shaver.  The only issue we have in our possession appears to be the final one.

The Bible way (November 1986)

Like yesterday, these periodicals are scanned and presented as they originally appeared.  We hope you find them useful and edifying.

-Bradley S. Cobb

First Century Christian

First Century Christian

In the 1980s and 1990s, Roy J. Hearn and others put together a periodical called “First Century Christian.”  It was a very good paper, with lots of good articles and well-known writers adorning its pages.  It has long been out of print and unavailable to most people.

We have located a handful of issues (eleven, to be exact), and with permission, have scanned them and are making them available for FREE in the Jimmie Beller Memorial eLibrary.  But you can also download each of them straight from this post by clicking the links below.

Just a note: Unlike most of our other offerings, these files are the actual scans.  We’ve not done any editing, converting, proofreading, or anything like that.  So, what you see in these files are exactly what you would have seen if you had subscribed to First Century Christian years ago.

Without further elaboration, we bid you ENJOY!

First Century Christian (January 1993)

First Century Christian (October 1991)

First Century Christian (May 1991)

First Century Christian (November 1991)

First Century Christian (July 1991)

First Century Christian (December 1991)

First Century Christian (June 1992)

First Century Christian (July 1992)

First Century Christian (September 1992)

First Century Christian (March 1992)

First Century Christian (May 1992)

-Bradley S. Cobb

That Big Announcement you were waiting on

Our friend and brother, Mark McWhorter, is a really interesting guy.  Not only did he grow up in Marion, IL (as did I), and was baptized there (as was I), and left there (as did I), he also has a great sense of humor (as do I), and spent three decades as the assistant to the premiere heart surgeon in the world (as did… wait, no, nevermind).

One of the things that Mark does is buy books.  And I don’t just mean a book here and there, I mean he buys entire libraries from Christians when they are trying to downsize, or after a preacher has passed away.  So he has come across some really interesting volumes.

Several years ago, after the death of James D. Bales (you saw the freebie by him yesterday, right?), Mark was able to procure several boxes of books and personal effects from Bales’ library and office.  And that’s where our big announcement begins…

Bales was an avid researcher.  His writings were filled with evidence to prove his points, whether he was talking about Jesus Christ, Communism, Martin Luther King Jr. (yes, he wrote a book about him), or a plethora of other topics.

Among the things Mark acquired were some typewritten pages.  Several typewritten pages.  Hundreds of typewritten pages.  And many of them were books–books which have never seen the light of day, because James Bales wrote them, but never published them.

Over the next few months, thanks to the generosity of our friend Mark, some of these previously unpublished books (some short, some longer) will be made available.  Some of them will be sold as digital editions (99 cents), some of them will be FREE downloads in the Jimmie Beller Memorial eLibrary, and some of them will be available in print (like one on the Messiah’s Mission, which deals a lot with premillennialism).  We will let you know when those are available as well.

Look for the first new James Bales item next week (and in the meantime, look for some other freebies tomorrow, and Wednesday, and Thursday, and Friday!).

Tell your friends.

-Bradley S. Cobb

So, we’ve missed a month… have a gift on us.

I’m sure you’ve noticed, but we haven’t posted anything new for about a month now.  I could rattle off a lot of different things that have happened which kept me from getting things done here, but the gist of it is that we’ve been swamped with life, work, and death here locally.  And with everything going on, pressing for my time and attention, something had to give for a while, and posting new material here was the victim.

But we’re back!

So, today we’ve got a new freebie for you, and tomorrow we’ve got a GREAT BIG ANNOUNCEMENT!

I’m really trying to hold my tongue (so to speak) on what we’ve got in the works (and it involves some material that has never before been available ANYWHERE–and some of it is going to be free!).  So, please check back in tomorrow for the big announcement!

Today’s freebie is pertinent, considering the political divide in our country.  One one side, you have people calling capitalism and free enterprise “evil,” and on the other side, you have people who point to Socialism as “evil.”

In 1951, Dr. James D. Bales presented a lecture at Harding College, entitled “Christ and the Problem of Private Ownership of Property in the Present-Day World.”  In this lecture, Bales addresses the biblical evidence regarding ownership of property, and shows how it applies to the economic systems of Free Enterprise and Socialism, and shows which system fits with biblical commands.

We have taken the time to proofread and reformat this lecture for you, just like always!  To read online, or to download for later perusal, simply click the link below!

The Right of Private Property (James D. Bales)

-Bradley S. Cobb

The Quarterly has Arrived!

You probably remember a few months ago that we made the announcement of a new publication, called The Quarterly.  In fact, we even made the Preview Edition available as a free download.  Now, we want to share the news with you…

The first official issue of the Quarterly is now available!



  • Editorial: An Important Note
  • Insights from Seasoned Ministers: Loren Gieger
  • Insights from Seasoned Ministers: Stafford North
  • Equipping (Jim Mitchell)
  • The Lost Sermons of H. Leo Boles (Kyle Frank)
  • Elders in the Old Testament (Richard Mansel)
  • I Can Do All Things Through Christ Which Strengtheneth Me (Roderick Ross)
  • Not Always Roaring… (Bill Howard)
  • Restoration Moments: The Conversion of Blue Dick (William Baxter)
  • Divine Peace (Jake Schotter)
  • The Parable of the Lighted Candle (Devin Self)
  • CHRISTIANS: Different Cultures, Different Races, Different Generations, Different People (Joseph T. McWhorter)
  • Biblical Biography: Barnabas (Bradley S. Cobb)
  • Quotes
  • What Ever Happened to Shepherding? (Jamie Beller)
  • Paul Darst: A Novel (Daniel R. Lucas)
  • Funny and Not-So-Funny Events in the Life of Elijah Martindale (Elijah Martindale and Bradley S. Cobb)
  • Poetry Corner (Deserae Cobb)
  • Sons and Daughters of Encouragement (Gerald Cowan)
  • Tabernacle Shadows (Mark McWhorter)
  • Preparing Yourself to Conduct Bible Studies (James Sims Sr.)
  • Hospitality Revisited (Perry Hall)
  • The Practical Atheist (Gantt Carter)
  • Book Review: Bobby Gayton’s My Thorn in the Flesh: A Vietnam Veteran Speaks about PTSD and the Bible (William Howard)
  • Bible Q&A: What was Paul’s “Thorn in the Flesh”? (Bradley S. Cobb)
  • Children’s Puzzle Page: WHO AM I? (Questions from the Book of Esther)

If you already subscribe, then look for your copy to arrive this week.  If you don’t already subscribe, but want to, you can do that here.  If you want just a single issue, you can get it on Amazon by clicking here.

Thanks for all your support and for reading what we have to write!  There will be more real articles coming soon!

-Bradley S. Cobb

Post-Christmas Freebies

We’ve got some new free stuff for you!


This book contains the most important documents of the early Restoration Movement writers, as well as a couple second and third generation writings.

*The Last Will and Testament of the Springfield Presbytery (Barton W. Stone)
*The Declaration and Address (Thomas Campbell)
*The Sermon on the Law (Alexander Campbell)
*Our Position (Isaac Errett)
*The World’s Need of Our Plea (J.H. Garrison)

Also included are introductions to each document/writer by Charles A. Young.


William Whitsitt was a Baptist professor whose stated purpose was to prove that the church of Christ (known popularly as “the Disciples of Christ”) was nothing more than the offspring of the Sandemanians, a group which Baptists and some others had labelled as heretics years earlier.  George W. Longan, a preacher of the gospel, wrote a book of in reply, exposing the ludicrous reasoning (if such it could be called) of Whitsitt, and made it abundantly clear by also including scathing reviews of Whitsitt’s book–reviews that were written by his own Baptist brethren!

Updated, with a whole bunch of brand-new footnotes by yours truly.

BOTH of these books are now available in the Jimmie Beller Memorial eLibrary (look under the “Restoration Movement” heading).

-Bradley S. Cobb

This… is why we’ve been so quiet here lately

We’ve been trying to keep our lips sealed as much as possible, but we’ve finally decided it is time to break the silence.

Over the past couple months (and it is still ongoing), we’ve been working on several projects, and we want to tell you about some of them today!

Bible Broadband

This book, written by our good friend, Stephane (“Stefan”) Maillet, creator of, and the “Added to the church of Christ (Acts 2:47)” Facebook page, is a brief collection of tips and tactics for effectively reaching people with the gospel via social media (Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc.).  Interspersed throughout the 52-page book are actual messages these endeavors have received from people he’s never met in person, showing the impact that one can have for Christ through this medium.

cover5 backcover

100% of the profits from the sale of this book go to help this worthy and dedicated Canadian preacher in his efforts for Jesus Christ.

Paperback, $6.99
digital, $2.99

Evenings with the Bible

This three-volume collection of in-depth Bible studies, full of practical application and encouragement for a deeper faith in God, Christ, and the Bible, is now available in a brand-new, updated, corrected, and fully-reformatted edition, complete with new explanatory footnotes for any obscure or archaic words.evenings01front evenings02front evenings03front

Volume 1: Genesis through Solomon
Volume 2: Rehoboam through Esther
Volume 3: John the Baptist, the early life and ministry of Jesus, and the characteristics of Christianity.

Each book is approximately 280 pages, and will be officially released January 3rd, but we are taking pre-orders now.

3-Volume Set (paperback): $24.00 (Regularly $32.00)
Digital 3-Volume set: $7.00 (Regularly $12.99)

Recollections of Men of Faith

This is a Restoration Movement book unlike any other.  Stories, incidents, anecdotes (humorous and not-so-humorous), and reflections on pioneer preachers, written by someone who knew and traveled with them.  Why did Alexander Campbell request tobacco before speaking?  Why was B.F. Hall afraid of cats in the worship? Why did John T. Johnson tell a group of girls not to be interested in a young preacher who was traveling with him?  What caused Jacob Creath to break down in tears in the forest?  These and many other interesting tidbits are revealed in this book by W. C. Rogers.

recollectionsfront recollectionsrear

194 pages, completely updated, corrected, reformatted, and includes explanatory footnotes where necessary.

Officially available January 3rd, this book is now available for pre-order.

Paperback: $8.95 (Regularly $10.95)
Digital: $2.99 (Regularly $5.99)

Dawn of the Reformation in Missouri

This book chronicles the rise of the Restoration Movement (which they then called “The Present Reformation”) in the state of Missouri, and gives biographical sketches of several well-known servants of the Lord, but also some others who are not as well-known.  In its 36 chapters (not counting the introductory section on the history of Missouri), well over 50 faithful gospel preachers are covered.  This book is quite encouraging in showing what men of God went through to bring souls to Jesus Christ, and gives great examples for faithfulness and devotion to God that we would do well to emulate.

dawnofreformation-front dawnofreformation-rear

Officially Available January 24th, this 339-page book is also available for pre-order at a discounted price!

Paperback: $9.95 (Regularly $13.99)
Digital: $3.99 (Regularly $5.99)

Other Projects

In addition to these projects above, work is still ongoing on our book, Who Were the Apostles? as well as on our book on Revelation, our Sermon Commentary on Mark, and the first issue of the Quarterly.

That, and about 19 more projects that we hope to have finished and available by the end of January.  Look for more announcements in the coming days and weeks.

Thanks for taking the time to read this, and please don’t hesitate to contact us with any questions.

Bradley S. Cobb

Three-Day Sale!

We have gotten several new readers to the Cobb Six lately, and lots of encouraging emails about the things that we’ve making available.  For that, I want to say THANK YOU!

As a way of thanking you, we are putting almost all of our products (both print and digital) on sale for three days.


Restoration Movement books, Commentaries, Sermon collections, Debates, and more!

Campbell(02) FRONT CoverBales-RomansOliphantCover

Just click here to start shopping.

And thank you again.