Question: I keep hearing about “Lost Books of the Bible.” Should these books be in our Bibles?—anonymous.
Thanks for the question! I, too, once had the same question. I have a book in my library that claims to be “Lost Books of the Bible.” It sounds sensational, but the title is misleading. When you hear about supposed “lost books of the Bible” on TV, radio, magazines, or internet, that’s also quite misleading. Here’s why:
First, these books were never part of the Bible to begin with. Books like The Gospel of Peter, or The Gospel of Judas, or any of a hundred more with similar titles were never considered part of the Bible. There is no historical record—none whatsoever—that these books were ever put on equal standing with the Bible. No Christian in history ever believed these books were actually part of God’s word.
Second, these books were written far too late to be an actual part of the Bible. With only a few possible exceptions, every one of these supposed “lost books of the Bible” were written in the mid-second century or later. Jesus told the apostles that He would guide them (the apostles) into all truth by means of the Holy Spirit (John 16:13). When we read what the apostles wrote, we will have the same knowledge that they had (Ephesians 3:3-5). The apostles were all dead for close to 100 years before these so-called “lost books of the Bible” were written. Any books written after the apostles died are not inspired by God.
Third, these “lost books” weren’t ever really lost. They were known and mentioned by writers for hundreds of years after they were written. The fact is, they weren’t really of any value, so people eventually stopped reading them or even mentioning them. So, after a while people basically forgot they existed. Then hundreds of years later, some archaeologists found some of these books in Egypt. They were never “lost.” They just got put away and never used again.
Something else you might find interesting regarding these no-so-“lost books” is this: One of the reasons Christians knew these books weren’t really from God is that a lot of them are ridiculous. Take, for example, this quote from the book called The Gospel of Thomas:
Simon Peter said to them, “Mary should leave us, for females are not worthy of life.” Jesus said, “Look, I am going to invite her to make her male so that she too might become a living spirit like you males. For every female that makes itself male will enter the kingdom of heaven.”
Women must become men in order to get to heaven? Now you can see why it was never considered to be from God.
So, the things that people claim as the “Lost Books of the Bible” weren’t ever really lost, and they were never part of the Bible to begin with.
—Bradley Cobb