There’s a lot to be thankful for–and that’s true all the time! We’re thankful for you, and the fact that you take the time to read what we’ve posted here.
And now, we’d like to let you know about some things that we’ve been keeping secret!
The Holy Spirit in the Book of Acts
We are over half-way finished writing this book. It’s been a very rewarding and eye-opening study. Every passage in the book of Acts that mentions or alludes to the Holy Spirit is examined to see what we can learn about the third person of the Godhead, and how He works.
When keeping all these verses in context, it becomes apparent that several verses have been pulled out of context and used to teach something that they were never intended to teach–even by some of our own good, sound brethren.
Things Which Came to Pass: A Study of Revelation
Over a year ago, well over a thousand hours of work was poured into writing and preaching forty-eight sermons covering the entire book of Revelation. We are currently in the process of taking those sermon outlines and converting them into a readable book/commentary/study guide so that you can benefit from the study and see what the final book of the Bible meant to the original readers–and what it means to us today.
When preaching these sermons, we also had handouts for the congregation which acted as worksheets to help them see the main points of each section of Revelation. These handouts (222 pages’ worth) have been collected into a single workbook, and is available here for just $6.99 $5.99 until Christmas! These workbooks are priced cheap so that any congregations wishing to use them can easily afford to get one for each student. We know of at least three congregations already who are planning on using this material in the next year.
The David King Collection
You might be asking yourself, “Who is David King?” But if you were a Christian from England, you’d probably already know the answer to that question. Many people don’t realize it, but Alexander Campbell worked with David King in a trans-continental way. In the United States, Campbell was publishing the Millennial Harbinger, while David King was in England publishing the British Millennial Harbinger.
King was a preacher, editor, writer, and debater, yet many Americans haven’t ever been blessed to read his works. We’re hoping to start the process of remedying that. We’re just about finished with the final touches of the David King Collection (perhaps the first of multiple volumes, if people want more). This first collection includes the following:
- The Primitive Church, the Apostasy, and the Restoration
- Why Baptize the Little Ones?
- The History and Mystery of the Christadelphians
- The Resurrection of Saints and Sinners at the Coming of the Lord
If you’re interested in reading some of these online, we’ve made them available for free at But for those of you who–like me–would rather hold a real book in your hand, we’re making this available very shortly in paperback!
Scripture Studies, Volumes 1 and 2
Back in 1931 and 1941, Gospel Advocate published two volumes of Scripture Studies, written by S.H. Hall. These books contained twenty-four lessons each, designed to ground members in the basic truths about the Bible, Jesus, salvation, the church, and fellowship.
These valuable resources have been hard to find for several years, but are now finally back in print–complete with the Cobb Publishing quality you’ve come to know and appreciate. We’ve made the text easier to read, corrected any mistakes we ran across, and put it all together in one convenient package!
It is a great collection for teaching a Bible class, and your students would benefit from having their own copy of these two classic books in one 362-page collection! Learn more about it here!
Or, you can read through them at the Gravel Hill website (mentioned above).
So You’re Thinking About Elders
At the request of the elders here, a series of lessons were presented on elders, their responsibilities, their authority, and the qualifications of elders. It actually ended up covering sixteen weeks, and was very well-received. We are collecting these sermons and making it into a Bible class book which should be available, Lord willing, by early 2015.
There’s more to come, because this list doesn’t even contain half of the projects currently underway. But it’s sampling of some things you can look forward to in the coming months!
Thanks again for reading!