Tag Archives: Romans

Studies in Romans


We continue our month-long anniversary celebration for the Jimmie Beller Memorial eLibrary, giving you a new FREE eBook almost every day of the week.  And today is no exception!

Originally published in 1947 by Firm Foundation, today’s addition to the library is a great resource for those who want to know more about the book of Romans.

R.C. Bell’s book, Studies in Romans, is divided into 52 lessons, with questions at the end of each lesson.  It was designed to be used in Bible classes, and gives a full year of structured study in this wonderful epistle of Paul.

We formatted this book several years ago, but have caught a few typos since then.  If you happen to find some more that we missed, please let us know, and we’ll upload a corrected version.

Studies in Romans is available in print as part of the complete “Studies in the Scriptures” book by R.C. Bell.  If you’re interested in this 405-page paperback book covering Romans, Galatians, Ephesians, and Philippians, it is available on Amazon.com.  Or, if you’re good with the digital editions, just download today’s offering, and wait for the other three which will be posted next week. (should I have said SPOILER ALERT?)

To read this book online, or download it for later enjoyment, just click the link below:

Bell, RC – Studies in Romans

-Bradley S. Cobb

James Bales – Romans

We announced last week that we had reached an agreement to make many of the James D. Bales books available in digital format, and now the first one is ready!


Designed to be used when teaching a 13-week class, Romans is informative, instructive, and encouraging.  Within the 108 pages, you will find a great overview of the grand themes of this great epistle!  This is a great way to study through the book of Romans while keeping the whole book in context.

Each chapter contains several questions: some for remembering the text, and others that cause you to give deeper thought to the application of the text.  They are sure to spark some good discussion in the class.

  1. The Gospel in Romans
  2. Why the Gospel is Necessary
  3. The Law of Faith
  4. Peace Through Christ
  5. Why Christians Should Not Continue in Sin
  6. The Wretched Man
  7. The Delivered Man
  8. Not all of Israel is Israel
  9. Paul’s Desire for Israel
  10. Israel and the Gospel
  11. Therefore, Brethren
  12. Love Seeks to Please Its Neighbor
  13. The Gospel for Both Jews and Gentiles

This fantastic book is only $2.99!