Tag Archives: Books

Friday Freebie

Last week’s Friday Freebie was so well-received that we’ve decided to do it again (and we might even make this a regular feature).

Today’s special freebie is…

The Sabbath or the Lord’s Day, Which?
By D.R. Dungan.

David Roberts Dungan was a preacher/teacher/writer in the late 1800s/early 1900s.  His book on Hermeneutics is still the standard on Biblical Interpretation in most preaching schools and Christian colleges.  His novel On the Rock was reprinted several times and was that generation’s Muscle and a Shovel.

Today’s free book was written to answer the question about whether the church is commanded to meet on the Sabbath or the first day of the week.  Dungan approaches the topic with a level head and an open Bible, and deals with every claim that the Sabbath-keepers produced.  When you finish this book, you will have no doubt as to the answer to the question: The Sabbath or the Lord’s Day?

Just like all of our other books, this one has undergone updating in spelling, correction of typos, and a complete reformatting to make it much easier on the eyes.  We hope you will find it useful.




  1. The Statement of the Question.
  2. Reasons for Keeping the Sabbath Examined Upon the Hypothesis of a Pre-Mosaic Requirement
  3. To Whom was the Law of the Sabbath Given?
  4. Was the Law of the Sabbath Perpetuated in Christ?
  5. Is the Decalogue Yet Binding?
  6. The Law, of Which the Sabbath was a Part, was Done Away in Christ.
  7. The Conclusion of Part First: The Law Containing the Sabbath Having Passed Away, The Sabbath Itself has no More Claim upon Christians than any other Feature of the Law Given to Israel at Mt. Sinai.


  1. The Source of Knowledge.
  2. The View Entertained by Christians in General.
  3. Unfair Methods of Advancing the Cause of the Sabbath, and of Opposing the Lord’s Day.
  4. History Shows that the Lord’s Day, or First Day of the Week, has been Regarded as a Sacred Day in All Ages of the Church.
  5. The Teaching of the Scriptures Respecting the Day on Which Christians Should Meet for Worship.
  6. How the Apostles Understood the Subject of the Lord’s Day.

Download it by clicking here (or right-clicking here and choosing “save link as”): Dungan – Sabbath or Lords Day

Friday Freebie!

The past few weeks have been busy, and we’ve been on a somewhat erratic schedule with posting articles and such.  For that, we apologize.  We hope today’s post makes up for it.

Lord willing, we will be able to have several of these “Friday Freebie” posts this year.

Today’s Freebie is…

The Christian System by Alexander Campbell

This 447-page book is Campbell’s contribution to the world of systematic theology.  We’ve taken the time to correct and update spelling, adding bold font to set apart headings, changing ALL CAPS into bold font, setting apart quotations and several other small formatting changes to make this book more visually appealing.

The download link is at the bottom of this post, but before we get there, here’s the contents of this excellent book:

Part I: The Christian System.

  1. The Universe.
  2. The Bible.
  3. God.
  4. The Son of God.
  5. The Spirit of God.
  6. Man as He Was.
  7. Man as He Is.
  8. The Purposes of God Concerning Man.
  9. Religion for Man, Not Man for Religion.
  10. Sacrifice for Sin.
  11. The Attributes of a True Sin-Offering.
  12. Christ: the Light of the World.
  13. The Lordship of the Messiah.
  14. Faith in Christ.
  15. Repentance.
  16. Baptism.
    1. Of The Action of Baptism.
    2. The Subject of Baptism.
    3. The Meaning of Baptism.
  17. The Christian Confession of Faith.
  18. Conversion and Regeneration.
  19. Christians are Persons Pardoned, Justified, Sanctified, Adopted, and Saved.
  20. The Gift of the Holy Spirit.
  21. The Christian Hope.
  22. The Doom of the Wicked.
  23. Summary of the Christian System of Facts.
  24. The Body of Christ.
  25. The Christian Ministry.
  26. The Christian Discipline.
  27. Expediency.
  28. Heresy.

Part II: Foundation of Christian Union.

  1. Fact.
  2. Testimony.
  3. Faith.
  4. Confirmation of the Testimony.
  5. Fundamental Fact.
  6. Purity of Speech.

Part III: Kingdom of Heaven.


  1. Patriarchal Age of the World.
    1. Abraham.
    2. Two Promises?
    3. Covenant of Circumcision.
    4. Sinaitic Covenant.
    5. Two Seeds.
    6. The Blessings of Abraham.
  2. The Jewish Institution.
  3. The Kingdom of Heaven.
    1. The Elements of a Kingdom.
    2. The Name.
    3. Constitution.
    4. The King.
    5. The Subjects of the Kingdom.
    6. The Laws of the Kingdom.
    7. The Territory of the Kingdom.
    8. Manner and Customs of the Kingdom.
    9. Induction into the Kingdom of Heaven.
  4. The Coming of the Kingdom.
    1. The Ascension of the Messiah.
    2. Coronation of the Messiah.
    3. Present Administration of the Kingdom of Heaven.

Part IV: Remission of Sins.

  1. Proposition 1. Converts were called Pardoned.
  2. Proposition 2. Converts were called Justified.
  3. Proposition 3. Converts were called Sanctified.
  4. Proposition 4. Converts were called Reconciled to God.
  5. Proposition 5. Converts were said to be Adopted into the Family of God.
  6. Proposition 6. Converts were to consider themselves Saved.
  7. Proposition 7. A change of views must come before a change in state–and they are not the same thing.
  8. Proposition 8. The Gospel has a command in it, and thus must be obeyed.
  9. Proposition 9. Only an action resulting from our faith can change our state.
  10. Proposition 10. Immersion and the Washing of Regeneration are the same thing.
  11. Proposition 11. The early Christian writers uniformly connect immersion to Regeneration and Remission of Sins.
    1. Barnabas.
    2. Clement and Hermas.
    3. Testimony of Dr. W. Wall, Author of the History of Infant Baptism.
    4. Justin Martyr.
    5. Tertullian.
    6. Origen.
    7. Cyprian.
  12. Proposition 12.  Even the denominational creeds agree to this, though they won’t carry it out in practice.
    1. Episcopalian.
    2. Presbyterian.
    3. Methodist.
    4. Baptist.
  13. Objections.
  14. Recapitulation.
  15. Conclusion.
  16. Effects of Modern Christianity.
  17. Immersion Not a Mere Bodily Act.
  18. Justification Ascribed to Seven Causes.
  19. Peter in Jerusalem, Paul in Philippi, Reconciled.

Part V: Regeneration.

  1. Regeneration.
    1. Repentance.
    2. Reformation.
    3. Regeneration.
  2. The Bath of Regeneration.
    1. New Birth.
    2. Renewing of the Holy Spirit.
  3. The New Life.
  4. Physical Regeneration.
  5. The Use of the Theory of Regeneration.
  6. The Regeneration of the Church.
  7. The Regeneration of the World.
    1. Regeneration of the Heavens and the Earth.
  8. A Word to the Moral Regenerators of Any Age.

Part VI: Breaking the Loaf.

  1. Proposition 1 – There is a house on earth, called the house of God.
  2. Proposition 2 – In the house of God there is always the table of the Lord.
  3. Proposition 3 – On the Lord’s table there is of necessity but one loaf.
  4. Proposition 4 – All Christians are members of the house or family of God, are called and constituted a holy and a royal priesthood, and may, therefore bless God for the Lord’s table, its loaf, and cup–approach it without fear and partake of it with joy as often as they please, in remembrance of the death of their Lord and Savior.
  5. Proposition 5 – The one loaf must be broken before the saints feast upon it, which has obtained for this institution the name of “breaking the loaf.”
  6. Proposition 6 – The breaking of the loaf and the drinking of the cup are commemorative of the Lord’s death.
  7. Proposition 7 – The breaking of the one loaf, and the joint participation of the cup of the Lord, in commemoration of the Lord’s death, usually called “the Lord’s Supper,” is an instituted part of the worship and edification of all Christian congregations in all their stated meetings.
  8. Objections Considered.

Part VII: Concluding Addresses.


We truly hope you find this book to be useful and worth the time to read!

Campbell, Alexander – The Christian System

Alexander Campbell: A Collection (Volume 2)

We are proud to announce the latest book from Cobb Publishing is now available!

Campbell(02) FRONT Cover

While about half of the previous volume was about Campbell, with the other half being some of his writings, this volume is almost all him.  There is a very brief biography of Campbell to start off the collection, and then the spotlight shines on Campbell’s pen.

In this brand-new collection, you can read his famous “Sermon on the Law,” get his thoughts on instrumental music in the church, find out what he has to say about the Bible and capital punishment, and even see his own translation of the book of Acts.  This book contains over 300 pages of material for your enjoyment and edification.

We have spent well over 100 hours in selecting, proofreading, and formatting this book to give you the best possible reading experience.  We believe it was worth the effort, and after seeing it, we think you’ll agree!


  • Alexander Campbell: Matchless Defender of the Protestant Faith
    By W.L. Hayden
  • Sermon on the Law
  • Life and Death
  • Instrumental Music in Worship
  • Is Capital Punishment Sanctioned by Divine Authority?
  • Confession Unto Salvation
  • The Bible
  • God has Spoken to Man in the Bible
  • Principles of Interpretation
  • Musings on a Christmas Morning
  • Acts of the Apostles (translation)

This book is now available at Amazon.com in print ($9.49) or in Kindle format ($3.99), and if you use Amazon, feel free to go that route.  The direct link to it is here.

However, for the first week (that is, until next Monday), we will be offering a special price of $7.99 for the paperback, and $1.99 for the eBook!  Click here to order it from us directly.

And may your day be full of God’s blessings!


Restoration Movement – A Sketch of the Life and Labors of Richard McNemar

Cobb Publishing is pleased to announce the latest book in their Restoration Movement collection!

The man who wrote The Last Will and Testament of the Springfield Presbytery–and spent days convincing Barton W. Stone to sign it–is largely forgotten.

McNemar Cover

Richard McNemar is an enigma to many students of the Restoration Movement. He shows up as a co-worker with Barton W. Stone, and his name is on one of the most historically significant documents of the Restoration. Yet he is not much more than a footnote in the history books.

However, for those students who want to know more about him, and want to know what happened to him after the Last Will and Testament of the Springfield Presbytery, this book is for you.

This is a sad tale of a preacher who had great potential, but who was caught up in false doctrines.

The author of the book (J.P. MacLean) was a historian of the Shakers (publishing several Shaker-related books), and put together this work, originally published in 1905.

This book on the life of Richard McNemar has undergone several editorial changes in spelling, punctuation, and formatting.  Additionally, several footnotes have been added to explain various words and phrases that aren’t familiar to most readers.   There is also a new section added to the end of the book which gives a very brief overview of the history and beliefs of the Shakers.

We do trust, however, that you will find this work, A Sketch of the Life and Labors of Richard McNemar to be interesting, and that it will help you know “the rest of the story.”


Chapter One: Early Life.
Chapter Two: Charges of Heresy.
Chapter Three: The Kentucky Revival
Chapter Four: Conversion and New Order
Chapter Five: An Account of Labors and Suffering.
Chapter Six: Travels and Special Missions.
Chapter Seven: Literary and Other Industries.
Chapter Eight: Persecution, Expulsion, Triumph, and Death
Appendix: A Brief Overview of the Shakers

Available in paperback ($4.99) or in pdf eBook format (99 cents) by clicking here.

Published by Cobb Publishing, 2014.