Mormonism Exposed!

Over the past 180 years, Mormonism has slowly grown to be viewed as just another religious group by several Americans (albeit with some strange teachings).  However, we must not allow ourselves to be tricked into thinking that the Mormons are our brethren in Christ, or that somehow what they teach is acceptable with God.  These honest, sincere people have put their trust in a false religious system that cannot save them!

We’ve already made available a debate on Mormonism here.  But we’d like to share with you another book which shows the insidious nature and origin of this creation of the devil.

With that in mind, we’re happy to announce the latest addition to the Jimmie Beller Memorial eLibrary: Mormonism Exposed! by LaRoy Southerland.

Originally published in 1842, the full title of this book is:

In Which Is Shown The Monstrous Imposture, The Blasphemy, And The Wicked Tendency, Of That
Advocated By A Professedly Religious Sect, Calling Themselves “Latter-Day Saints.”

In it, you will find statements by people who knew Joseph Smith prior to his supposed discovery of the golden plates that he claimed to translate.  You will see many of their doctrines, and how they carried them out.  You will see how their doctrines flatly contradict the Bible.

Souls are being lost to this religion daily.  It is important to arm yourself to help fight back against their false doctrines.

To download or to read online, click the link below:

Mormonism Exposed (LaRoy Sunderland)

-Bradley S. Cobb

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